The Main Hall is the primary facility and is suitable for sports, theatre, social and exhibition functions. The high ceiling and large floor area are ideal for badminton, short mat bowls and other indoor sports. The stage area with curtains and lighting fixtures is highly visible and ideal for staged productions, presentations or live music performances. Tiered seating can be arranged if required. There is a public address system and hearing loop.

The hall has direct access to the kitchen and Committee room which can be used as a Bar Facility.
The Hall has modern ceiling lighting and refurbished heating system for all season operation. The Kitchen, Committee Room and Stage are included in the hire of the Main Hall.
The Main Hall can accommodate up to 200 as a seated audience, 150 seated with tables, and up to 250 for dancing without seating..

The kitchen is equipped with cookers and fridge and sink with hot and cold running water. The kitchen can be used for the preparation of light refreshments or for hot multi-course meals when used in conjunction with an external caterer.
If preparing, serving or selling food, the Hirer is required to observe all relevant food health and hygiene legislation and regulations. Hot Food preparation must be undertaken by persons with suitable qualifications.